- By 3 January 2025: registration deadline for BSMO effective members and junior members-in-training (dues paid for 2024) that want to take advantage of a complimentary hotel room. Subject to availability. First-come, first-served. After this date complimentary hotel rooms for members will be upon availability.
- By 27 January 2025: registration deadline and payment deadline for all.
It is only possible to register online. Onsite registrations are strongly discouraged.
Target audience: Medical oncologists and oncologists in training. Other professions with focus on cancer care management are very welcome.
- BSMO effective members, junior members-in-training (dues paid for 2024) and invited speakers are entitled to free participation in the meeting + social programme and complimentary hotel room incl. breakfast and city tax on Friday night. Subject to availability. First-come, first-served.
- Special members (= undergraduate students, emeritus, associate & corporate members) are entitled to free participation in the meeting + social programme . No complimentary hotel reservation. Special members (excl. Junior MiT) must arrange for their personal hotel reservation. Information on hotels in Bruges can be found here.
- NON-members are entitled to free participation in the meeting. There are no spots left for non-members for the social programme on Friday evening. No complimentary hotel reservation. Non-members must arrange for their personal hotel reservation. Information on hotels in Bruges can be found here.
- Company representatives of companies NOT sponsoring BSMO 2025 can sign up and attend the general scientific sessions that are open to all. However a fee of EUR 250,00 per day will be charged. Participation in the social programme on Friday evening is not allowed. No complimentary hotel reservation. Maximum 2 persons per company. Information on hotels in Bruges can be found here.
Cancellation policy
- cancellations of confirmed hotel room reservations for BSMO effective and Junior MiT members are free of charge provided the cancellation is received before 2 January 2025. After this date a cancellation fee of 100 EUR will be charged to the guest/member that cancels
- cancellations of confirmed registrations must be confirmed by e-mail to before 12 January 2025
- after this date BSMO regrets that they are unable to refund any fees
- replacements of confirmed registrations are permitted – please send a written request to
For questions regarding registration, please contact Mrs Mieke Akkers by e-mail: